Symbol – Brand of Sacrifice

SymbolThis is the symbol of garbage.This thing has been the bane of my existence for quite some time. People don't do any kind of due diligence and they believe this rune is the "Berserker" rune. ... because it comes from a Japanese cartoon called "berserk" and there is a symbol on the show. This is... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Triquetra

SymbolThis is the Triquetra.Much like the Triskele or Triskelion symbol, this one is Celtic. It can be seen with or without the ring showing only the three interlaced arc shapes creating a trefoil knot. It is first found on Northern European / Iron age rune stones.This one follows the same reasoning as the Triskele. It's... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Triskele

SymbolThis is the Triskele or Triskelion.At around 9,000+ years old, this European neolithic symbol is as ancient as they come. Found in places all over Europe, the Newgrange tomb in Ireland is one of the special finds.When people wear this today, it's either mistaken for a "viking" symbol due to the similarities to the trihorn... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Jormungandr

SymbolThis is Jormungandr, the world serpent.This is another semi common symbol that many people kind of are familiar with as it is similar to the Ouroboros symbol with the snake eating its own tail.Jormungandr is the world serpent and he is so large that he circles around Midgard (the visible world we live in) and... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Veldismagn

SymbolThe Second of the Twin Compasses.This is the extremely underappreciated, and much lesser known of the Twin Compasses, Veldismagn.This symbol is another Icelandic Gald Stave and is used to grant the traveler a safe return from a journey, to give them the strength to endure it, safety from danger and defense against unknown or unforeseen... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Raven

SymbolThis is the raven from the Raven Banner that was used by many viking warlords.This raven is seen quite often- the meanings behind the symbol is just that, a raven. Ravens themselves have more varied meanings like being an observer, listening- basically all support and receptive qualities as well as being tied to Odin as... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Odin’s Illusion Rune

SymbolOdin's Illusion Rune.This rune is used to mark things you don't want others to find, to keep them hidden. A door, path, treasure or other item. To be completely transparent here, I know about this rune, I've seen this rune- and I know it exists- I recently had a dream about this thing and it... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Svenskarna / Trollkors

SymbolIn Sweden [Svenskarna] , as well as Norway, a trollkors or troll cross is a bent piece of iron worn as an amulet to ward off malevolent magic, allegedly stemming from medieval Sweden. According to those claiming its authenticity it represented the Norse symbol of protection; thus if a Norseman wore this symbol, they believed... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Slavic Thundercross

SymbolThis is the Thunder Cross.This is an ancient Baltic thunder cross symbol (pÄ“rkona krusts; also fire cross, ugunskrusts), used to decorate objects, traditional clothing and also found in archaeological excavations.This was widely used in reverence of Perun, the God of Thunder. In Slavic mythology, Perun is the god of the sky and of thunder and... Continue Reading →

Symbol – Gungnir

SymbolThis is the symbol of "Gungnir"This symbol is the name of Odin's Spear. When its used today, as with most symbols, its simply a cultural piece. Many people do name things Gungnir, mostly weapons and I've even run across a guy who named their motorcycle named Gungnir.This is associated with strength and Odin himself. There's... Continue Reading →

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