Elder Futhark – Dagaz

Elder FutharkName: Dagaz, “day.” Phoneme: D. Meaning: hope, happiness.Dagaz references the most basic of all cycles: Night and Day. This powerful rune is a reminder of the cyclical nature of all things. What rises must fall. What increases must decrease. All things are interconnected and in a state of constant flux. Dagaz is the rune... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Othalan

Elder FutharkName: Othalan, “inheritance.” Phoneme: O (long and/or short). Meaning: inheritance, heritage, tradition, nobility.Othalan is the rune of the ancient clan lands: Historic land and property which has a strong spiritual connection to the individual. Othalan is the crowning achievement which lies at the end of the runic journey. These ancestral lands are the result... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Ingwaz

Elder FutharkName: Ingwaz, “the god Ingwaz.” Phoneme: Ng. Meaning: fertilization, the beginning of something, the actualization of potential.Ing is one of the alternate names for Freyr, Norse god of agriculture. Legend says that Freyr travelled around the Earth in a chariot, dispensing fertility and happiness to his people.

Elder Futhark – Laguz

Elder FutharkName: Laguz. Phoneme: L. Meaning: formlessness, chaos, potentiality, the unknown.Like a wave waiting to carry a Viking ship to a distant shore, Laguz represents the endless possibilities and the nourishment of water. To the Norse, Laguz also represented the wild forces of the ocean, which if not respected could lead to destruction and death.... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Mannaz

Elder FutharkName: Mannaz, “man.” Phoneme: M. Meaning: augmentation, support.Mannaz may represent our circle of family and friends -- and the common goals which unite us. An intertwining of man and woman is also referenced here, and a combining of their souls into a single entity. On a philosophical level -- Mannaz reminds us that we... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Ehwaz

Elder FutharkName: Ehwaz, “horse.” Phoneme: E (long and/or short). Meaning: trust, faith, companionship.While one horse frequently symbolizes the 'warrior', two horses (as are used to pull carts) symbolize travel and progress. The rune Ehwaz represents journeys, distant places and events which have not yet transpired. In rune lore, Ehwaz is also regarded as being a... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Berkanan

Elder FutharkName: Berkanan, “birch.” Phoneme: B. Meaning: fertility, growth, sustenance.The birch tree was a symbol of fertility in quite a few different myths from European folklore. Likewise, the shape of this rune implies a stylized female form. Berkanan (also "Berkano", "Berkana") represents the universal idea of the Goddess and the powerful bond between mother and... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Tiwaz

Elder FutharkName: Tiwaz, “the god Tiwaz.” Phoneme: T. Meaning: victory, honor.This rune references the legendary Norse warrior "Tyr", who while struggling to save his people, lost his hand to a giant wolf named Fenris. While Tyr was victorious and showed incredible resolve and bravery -- his victory came at great personal cost. Tyr's victory ensured... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Sowilo

Elder FutharkName: Sowilo, “sun.” Phoneme: S. Meaning: success, solace.Sowilo, or the Sun Rune, symbolizes energy, life and fertility. Warmth, positivity and drive flow from radiant Sowilo. Norse mythology describes the sun as a blazing disc which is pulled across sky in a chariot pulled by a great wolf. One day, it is said, the wolf... Continue Reading →

Elder Futhark – Algiz

Elder FutharkName: unknown (the rune poems are contradictory). Phoneme: Z. Meaning: protection from enemies, defense of that which one loves. Most call this rune Algiz.The rune of Algiz depicts a person with arms upraised, elk's antlers, or a representation of the Norse God Heimdall who holds his sword in one hand and his horn in... Continue Reading →

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