Norse Mythology – Places: Alfheim

Alfheim is the World of the Elves. It is one of the Nine Worlds. This world is a magical world of illusion and nature. Humans do not live in, and do not go to Alfheim and the Gods do not spend time there either. Elves come to midgard from time to time though.

Norse Mythology – Places: Vanaheim

Homeland of the Vanir“. This is one of the Nine Worlds that are situated around the world tree Yggdrasil. As the name implies, it’s the home of the Vanir tribe of deities, who tend to be somewhat more associated with fertility and what we today would call “nature” than the other tribe of Norse deities,... Continue Reading →

Norse Mythology – Places: Hliðskjálf

Odin's High Seat in Asgard. From here Odin can see everything. Some people think that Hliðskjálf refers to the throne itself, and others, including myself, believe Hliðskjálf is the name of the entire area. In Old Norse, skjálf means pinnacle. Hlið means openness or height. The two together is a pronoun but whether this means... Continue Reading →

Norse Mythology Place: Niflheim

Niflheim, or Hel. The “World of Fog”. This is one of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology and the homeland of primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice. This is where Hel's hall (Hel shares the name with the world) is located. The world of the dead.

Norse Mythology – Places: Vingolf

The Ásynjur Goddesses, or, Female Aesir's hall. Vingolf means "Wine Hall" and is located in Asgard along side Valholl (Valhalla) where the slain that Odin receives are also placed. This is a big problem for many people as Vingolf exists to take part of Odin's warriors, and before Odin gets his choice of the "weapon... Continue Reading →

Norse Mythology – Places: Valhalla

Old Norse: "Valhöll" Odin's hall of the glorious dead. Hall of the fallen. This is the hall where, if Odin finds you worthy, will choose you to go there and feast, fight die and live again. Training for the war of Ragnarok and partying all the way. The Grímnismál (Song of the Hooded One) states:... Continue Reading →

Norse Mythology Places: Hel – The Underworld

Hel is sometimes called Helheim. This is the underworld where many of the dead dwell. This place is not a place of reward or punishment and is a neutral place, sometimes referred to in the Edda as positive. It is a place to live on as you did in your past life.

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