Havamal – Stanza 79

Getting your career and home life in order is something that you can do if you put your mind to it. Those who brag about doing it are fools. Further Explanation: A foolish man brags about acquiring wealth or a woman's love. Those who are real do not brag about doing things that we are... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 78

The sons of Dive had much wealth but now they are broke. That's how money works. Fast when leaving. Just like a fair weather friend. Further Explanation: Dive's sons had a lot of wealth and they blew it all because they lived as if their wealth made all worries and problems no longer exist. As... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 77

(reiterating the importance of stanza 76) All things die but honor lives forever. Further Explanation: Deeds live on. Actions live on. How people think of you lives on. The stanza is telling us to live well. Live honorably. Original Old Norse:Deyr fédeyja frændrdeyr sjálfr it samaek veit einnat aldri deyrdómr um dauðan hvern Thorpe:Cattle die,kindred... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 76

All living things die just as we too will also die, but a life lived with honor leaves a mark that never dies. Further Explanation: All living things will die. Deeds done reverberate and cannot be erased. Your honorable deeds live on. I switched from Bellows to Thorpe for the rest of the Havamal for... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 75

A man either knows something, or not. Someone may be rich and someone else may be poor but it is not the fault of either for the others plight. Further Explanation: This stanza speaks of personal responsibility and not bitching about whatever you've got going on in your life. Only you have the key to... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 74

He welcomes the night, who has prepared for it. The sails of a ship are limited. In the fall, the dark becomes more dangerous. Winds of change can do much in a week and even more in a month. Further Explanation: This stanza is basically saying that if you aren't prepared for everything then you... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 73

If two fight you, they will likely win. That is obvious- however, hidden in each furry coat is a fist that I look for that isn't so obvious. Further Explanation: Expect the unexpected. To know the effect of something obvious does not make you wise. It makes you learned. To see the unseen and perceive... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 72

It's good to have a son even if they are born late in life. Very seldom are memorial stones carved along the road that are not carved by kin. Further Explanation: It's better to have a child, even if you are up in age because most people are only remembered by those they leave behind,... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 71

If you cannot walk, you can still ride. If you cannot work your trade because of injury, you can still do other things. Limitations are not the end of the line. The deaf, who cannot hear the chaos are bold on the battlefield and those who are blind are better off than those who are... Continue Reading →

Havamal – Stanza 70

It's better to be alive than dead. The living should not waste their experience of life. I've seen a rich man's pyre and it was no different from the poor man's corpse. Further Explanation: It is better to be alive. Regardless of what system of faith or belief you have, this is your experience. Sometimes... Continue Reading →

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