Symbol – Sleipnir


The eight legged horse.

When you see any kind of image of a horse with eight legs, this is the legendary horse, Sleipnir, that is being shown. Sleipnir has its Edda roots in shamanism. Just as a horse (in this instance) is a “vehicle” that takes you from one place to another- so is “Sleipnir” to a shaman who “takes” them from one place to another on spiritual journeys. Because Sleipnir can fly Odin through the air, it is theorized that flying was another attribute that had its roots in shamanism.

All that is information that adds to an understanding of where the symbol or imagery came from- now, when you see it, what does it mean? This symbol has been used to denote speed, loyalty and determination as Sleipnir has carried those from Asgard to Hel and back with haste not found in this world.

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